Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fitting the workouts in!

No, I haven't fallen off the fast of the earth this week, I started a new job.  I absolutely love it, but it's been hard finding time to fit a workout it.  Believe or not, working at a health facility doesn't make it any easier to exercise.  Here's my little secret to staying fit, even when work and a commute take 11 hours out of my day: Every activity counts!  Just because I can't find an hour doesn't mean that I can't find 2 minutes throughout the day to get up an move.  Here are some of the things I do that help me stay fit even during busy times.

1.) Stretch at your desk once every 20 minutes: You don't even have to get up. Just push back your chair, sit up tall, reach your arms up towards the ceiling and take a deep breath. Stretch side to side, arch your back, and viola, you're done.  Now get back to work. Total time: 30 Seconds.

2.) Don't use that phone! Ok, actually you probably do need to answer your calls, but don't use your phone to speak to another coworker.  Get up and actually go to their desk. And don't dawdle, walk fast! Not only will you burn more calories but you will look like you have an important message and impress your boss!!  Total time: 1-2 minutes

3.) Walk the dog when you get home.  If you don't have a dog, walk your child. If you don't have a child grab your spouse and take a walk. If you don't have a spouse/significant other grab a friend or your ipod and use the walk to decompress and evaluate your day.  Your walk doesn't have to be long, you don't have to wear the latest workout gear, and you don't have walk for hours. Make a habit out of moving your body before you settle in for the night. Your brain and body will thank you. Total time 15-20 minutes.

4.)  Eat clean at work.  It takes 15 seconds to eat a cookie, and 20 minutes to burn it off.  Since I don't have an extra 20 minutes, it's easier to eat healthy.  I am so lucky to work in an office surrounded by fitness and medical professionals who take extremely good care of themselves.  A culture of health has been created; you won't find any bagels or muffins in the breakroom.  Who says you can't have this at your job?  Bring healthy, nutritious snacks in and introduce them to your colleagues.  Soon, everyone will be eating quinoa!  Total time saved: 20-60 minutes!

So there you go. My four steps to staying fit in under an hour a day.  Keep up the hard work but take care of your body!

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